Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sleepy Thursday

Die Hard and two bottles port wine .Now I am dying.Yesterday watched Die Hard(Bruce Willis)1,2 &3.I really don't what compels me to do such things.Didn't sleep a bit.Thanks t a good Samaritan who got the bottles of wine.Now I am getting reminders every now and then not to sleep.I know it's difficult,very difficult.I am literally drooling on my desk. On top of it,the killer AC.Everyday I think of getting my jacket to work and everyday I convincingly forget.Lack of sleep,bad hangover and freezing A.C can be a deadly combination.I have another one and a half hour to kill,and it seems like eternity.

At the home front,civil war have subsided.It's not over though.Career decisions for my brother are shaping up well.My contributions to that-hmmm...Negligible.Didn't speak to some unimportant people yesterday.Again,getting bored of them.I hate people when they call you only when they need something.B-I-A-T-C-H !!!! Was having an intellectual(duhhh) discussion with a pal of mine yesterday.(By the way this pal of mine is too bloody slow in you know whom I am talking about). We were wondering how some people when they are having a ball completely forget to inform us .The same people will call you up when they have nothing to do ,no one else to speak.

Had a tough time at home yesterday with my gas-burner yesterday.It took more than thirty mins to make scrambled eggs.The life of the burner was pretty short this time.The soaked beans which I was planing to cook remains in the freezer till today.Dinner was terrible yesterday.Same old "dabbas" !!!! The tiffin-delivery guy is really strange.He can never understand what I tell him. I tell him not to get food,he will get it.He does the complete opposite of what you tell him.Probably that is the reason he is the tiffin-delivery guy.He can really try my patience.Was wondering if I need to tell you all about this self proclaimed shopaholic(there are lots of other terms to describing irritating,talkative,blabbering) of my office.Of course I love that guy(pun intended).Probably tomorrow.Just' got a hour to kill now.Hopefully will go for some SHOPPING(??!!) today.Have to travel one ho t get back home.That's the part I hate the most.

Just' going to wrap up one hell of a boring ,sleepy day!!!

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