Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An Open Letter To the Kitten..Oops TIGER

Just when the whole country right from M S Dhoni to facebook enthusiasts are crying out to save the tigers(JUST 1411 LEFT CAMPAIGN),the self-proclaimed tiger (Read Bal Thackrey) is transforming himself to a meek kitten. This is an open letter to his highness(which I think is a futile attempt).Just praying that this dying tiger gets some of his lost pride back.

Dear Sir

(Dictionary meaning: a polite form of address spoken or written to a man..After all you did and doing I don't feel like using this term, however I can't afford to be rude can I?)

With a real frustrated mood I felt like writing this letter, even though this comes a tad too late.Maybe,I did the right thing in delaying this as you must have been busy kicking someone's arse (Read My name is Khan).First things first..Whats wrong with you and your followers?

What’s with You and your stand against the other Indians?Tell me what would Maharashtra (or say Mumbai) be without the others? We were taught in school that India is for all the Indians and they have the right to own, stay, work in any part of this goddamn country. Maybe you didn’t. It’s never too late. One is never too old to learn and you still consider yourself young. Right?

When I came to Mumbai to study I was told that everyone seek blessings from you.Yes they were right. They sought blessings so that Shiv Sainiks will never trouble them. I was awed by the fact that a few goons who consider you as God can go to any extent to make everyone’s life miserable. The amount of property damage you and your vandals caused can surely fund ten schools for the slum kids. However education is none of your concern .After all educated fools wont listen to your tantrums again and again.

Outsiders…Go Back to your respective states. Were you sleeping when BOMBAY...oops Mumbai was attacked again and again by terrorists? I suppose many of those who died were outsiders and one of the NSG commando who died was a non-Maharashtrian.Instead of wasting your time in chasing the other Indians, you could have done something about the growing population of the immigrants from our neighboring countries. When Sachin said that Mumbai is for Indians you made his life miserable. Probably you forgot that his contribution to the society and country is thousand times more than you and your Sainiks put together. Maybe I am talking about a completely different ball game over here. Who cares about cricket?

Then came the useless gaga about SRK.I am not a great fan of Shah Rukh Khan's movies, but Mr.Thackrey's sweet nothings did embarrass the whole country.Irony:The movie did manage to portray the problems of a certain community however couldn't do anything about our very own villaines.If only you had saved your time, energy and EFFORTS for a better cause. Hell no...you won't do that. These are the more pressing issues and need to be dealt with an iron fist.Afterall inflation, population, recession can take a back seat as always.

Now Your Highness is slamming Mr.Gadkari for appealing to Muslims regarding the Hindu Temple in Ayodhya.Classic example of one idiot slamming another. Sorry I went overboard.Afterall Your Highness called two actors as 2 Idiots. Sorry for this goofup.Now what? Maybe you should chase away all the people from Gujrat, Rajasthan, Delhi; North-East..blah blah...the list goes on. You should be happy that I gave some more fodder to the canon..or is it a Water-Pistol?

I can go on and on. Just give me one chance 'Sir' and I promise that I won't let you down.Till then keep on screwing everyone's happiness like an annoying kitten does in the middle of the night. meow meow meow. Or should it be "RRoaaaaaaar"?

I call it a Day. Bye Now..
Yours' Sincerely

A Frustrated Soul

PS:If you are running out of ideas then you can make all your Sainiks clean up the streets of BOMBAY...ooops Mumbai(Sorry)..people will get a clear picture of your shit..oops..POWER