to be the main protagonist of the story !!
This is in reference to the recent chaos caused by Shashi Tharror's tweet."Austerity Drive"
So what's the harm if someone says "cattle class out of solidarity with all our holy cows!”.
If it was not Mr. Tharoor but someone else it would have been OK. What's the harm
if he uses his own money for five star stay? You have it so might as well use it.Atleast he is not faking it , unlike most of his collegues.
Read two artiicles in TOI today. One by Shobhaa De and one by Chetan Bhagat. They are right in their own ways.Instead of wasting time why everyone is not doing their work.I am sure all this goddamn politicians have got lots and lots of work to take care of. We should be happy that finally after so many years we have got people who are educated and can connect to we youths. How many of these cryin politicians know what TWEETER means !!! Forget it...How many of them actually know the meaning of " Cattle Class" ???
Jus' because someone is protesting so even u will go ahead and protest !
Jus' beacuse "Austerity Drive " is the in-thing so you will travel in economy class !!
Do these guys actually trying to save money for the government? I am sure these publicity stunts cost more than you traveling " Cattle Class"...Will you just get a life? You can instead put some more efforts in controlling "SWINE-FLU" rather than making an issue of the "CATTLE CLASS" statement !!
Will you stop arguing and concentrate more on the economy state the country?
Will you stop making a mountain of a mole?
Don't you think there are thousands of other important issues to take care of?
Can't you keep all these petty things aside and have a sense of humor?
Please Don't criticize people if you can't appreciate them.
Finally it's amazing to have few people up there who are technologically sound and well educated.
I am not supporting anyone over here.Just that we have lots to take care of instead of mud-slinging and finding faults in others.It's about time that all these politicians come out of that cocoon and behave like responsible grown up adults...I am sure nobody is listening.Nor do I expect them to.It's just that I don't have any other way of venting out my frustrations (Thanks to the articles in the papers regarding this cattle-class dung)..