Tuesday, August 25, 2009

NGOs : So cool to be a part of it !!!

Of late I am seeing this craze about people joining NGOs for some cause or the other.

My foot !!I wonder how many of them are actually fighting...Oops working for a cause.Maybe because you want some instant fame so you need to be on the limelight and you don't have any other ways to do it!Or is it the fact that your college credits and honors programme largely depend on the fact that how many hours you put in this so called NGO?Or you want to be in the limelight so why not join an NGO?Recently met a friend...well...so called friend.Working with Teach India Foundation. There are so many cool chicks...might as well.Social work with a Cause !! Over here it is Social Work with purpose.I don't want to take potshots at anyone as I know some out there would definitely feel that my whole purpose of writing this is to put them down.No ...It's not like that !!You work for some NGOs dealing with orphans but you have a ten year old maid servant at your place working from 6 in the morning to 10 in the night.You work for some NGOs dealing with the Environment but you burn gallons of oil commuting and some dozens of cigarettes and joints thinking about the cause.I decided to work for a NGO dealing with cancer patients...Everyday i smoke more then twenty cigarettes and the person I am working with gets affected by my habit.I can't handle this double standard.I am not working anymore!! I don't want to portray myself as a saint ...I would rather be a sinner. At least my conscience won't prick me again and again everyday.I am sure most these so called hypocrites,do-gooders wont be affected by anything.
You will keep on littering this whole city and still keep on shouting " Clean Mumbai - Green Mumbai"
You will keep on abusing children (lesser children) and still vouch for upliftment of slum-kids right?How many of you don't ask for the "cutting chai" from "chotu" at the tea-stall?

Working for the environment...well when all you swines out there are raping it from right left and centre..
You will shout for woman empowerment but you would hesitate to give your bus-seat to that old lady?
You will be an active member for some damn NGO dealing with gay rights...but you surely have a problem if your sister's tendencies are not straight.
I can't mend my ways but atleast I won't be a part of something which I don't support from my heart !! Atleast at the end of the day I won't be doing something for limelight,college grades or simply to hangout at some cool places with fellow wannabes..hypocrites..

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