Friday, June 13, 2008

Some Confusions and an irritating meeting

DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance to someone living or dead is AGAIN is purely coincidental.If someone can associate himself or herself then it's not my problem.I take no responsibility for any misunderstandings in the near future.So all you can do right now is ignore this piece of nonsense or read on without getting too concious.

Some nice things which are happening in my life.Am so tired of running around here and there looking for a place.After some running around finally got to see the face of my salary.I don't mind saying that my Boss is indeed a sweetheart.(so far so good)

Unfortunately I had to go and meet a friend of mine(A) yesterday and guess what it was a special day for her.Honestly speaking I don't like her much.Still then I had to meet her.Her friend(B) is a close friend of mine.A and B are again great friends.So, if

A = B & B = C then A = C Not necessarily it hold true in each and every case.

Over here A = C and I am C

B had told C that if C gives some flower to A then A will be really touched.C felt like an idiot after giving the flowers. The reasons are :

1) C spent 100 bucks on the flower

2) C spent 10 bucks on travelling to A s house

3) A didn't even acknowledge the flowers

4) C gets goosebumps whenever he sees A (personal reasons)

5) In the night when C met some of his other friends he was informed that A had organised a party and he was not even invited.So much I had heard about flower power.

Got another shocker of a lifetime yesterday.There are two people C knows.

Lets say A & B .

A & B are romantically inclined.

C thinks he is a good friend of B though A & C are pals as well.

C has of late started talking to B a lot.Now

If A loves B (because A & B get along well) and

B loves A (because A & B get along well)

not necessarily

C loves B (even though C and B get along well)though

C does admit that he likes B a lot.Now C is in a dilemma as B thinks C likes B (now there is a thin line between loving and liking) and C is confused.I am sure B must be confused as well.As far as the question B asked...the answer is "Its for C to know and for B to think"

C is confused because he likes B a lot ,not necessarily love B.Maybe some god-damn mathematician will find a way to solve this puzzle and write a theorem,just to help C.

By the way got hurt ,thanks to the love affair between the rickshaw I was travelling and a speeding car.May such things stop.I am not OK with a broken heart but I am all the more not OK with a bruised leg and a swollen hand.Now I am confused whether a broken heart is far better than a few broken bones or it is the other way round.

PS: No prizes for guessing (again)


Anonymous said...

A, B or C.....
as it is life is a mess....why do you mess it up more.....c, there's this rule, life is complicated and you dont mess with it. (though i rarely follow it)

Darshan Baruah said...

Ya..I know Sonam that life is a mess anyway.Maybe B might help C and put some brains in C's head to become more sensible.By the way you got any idea about how B is doing?

Anonymous said...

even if C wudn admit it, B knew it pretty well that C has started liking B. And B is not confused, B is just worried that C might start liking B more, and it mite spoil a good friendship.

this is what i cud make out...... :)

Darshan Baruah said...

Curiosity killed the crow.
By the way You never know whats in C's head.
C was and is always confused.
But C hates B's guts at times

Anonymous said...

you dont need guts to tell something you are so sure about.
n y does C hate B's guts....?

Anonymous said...

some insanitiezzz of some peoplezzzz !!!!!!!!!!!

Darshan Baruah said...

C hates B's guts because B always embarrass C by her too straightforward questions and statements.
Hopefully C will have enough guts sometime and C wont be embarrassed anymore